This year marks the 20th anniversary for The Spa at The Omni Grove Park Inn, tucked away in Asheville, North Carolina. Ellen McGinnis, Director of Spa at The Omni Grove Park Inn, shares how her team has placed safety at the forefront, while embracing the role and responsibility of integrating physical and mental wellness practices.
Healing Escape
“People need a safe place to go, and The Spa at the Omni Grove Park Inn is committed to providing a place of healing, calm, and respite,” says McGinnis. “Every inch of the environment supports that commitment, from the ‘feel good’ negative ions of the rock structures, the energetic natural crystals and geodes sprinkled throughout, restorative and purifying pools and sacred spots for relaxation, and contemplation and mindfulness.”
Mental Fitness and Building Resilience
“We are rounding the one-year mark of what has proven to be a drastic change for all of us. Who knew that we would get to a place that we would not only need to focus on our physical fitness, but would also see the shift to actively address our mental fitness, adaptability and resilience.This makes a visit to a nurturing spa environment not a luxury item, but a vital part of specifically addressing the need to totally disconnect, so we can mentally recharge. Whether that means having a glass of wine in front of a fireplace, or sitting outside and breathing in nature.”
“The idea of self-care is not something new; it is what the spa and wellness industry was built upon.”
Self-Care Facilitators
“The idea of self-care is not something new; it is what the spa and wellness industry was built upon,” affirms McGinnis. “But, what is interesting is that people now seem to be even more aware of their own needs and eagerly and openly searching positive changes. A spa is one of the very first places that people are turning to get immediate self-care. We are the trusted professionals that welcome the opportunity to provide treatments and home care advice that will speak to each individual’s immediate needs and provide insight into building their on-going wellness journey at this unpredictable time.”
Permission to Re-connect
“One of the biggest changes we have noticed, even though we have been forced to remove some of our traditional luxuries and amenities due to the COVID-19 spa business guidelines, is that we’ve had very little negative feedback from our patrons,” reflects McGinnis. “It seems that what’s really important is to provide a place to re-connect with family or friends. The simple feeling of connectivity and being with someone that you can share a positive experience and building memories together is truly a treasured gift.”