There are girls’ getaways and then there are girls’ getaways, and this one really caught our eye. Described as “where Annie Oakley meets Carrie Bradshaw,” this could be the ultimate girls’ weekend. It’s taking place April 3rd to 6th at Destination Kohler, home to the five-star Kohler Waters Spa and the American Club.
The star and leader of the pack, is Georgia Pellegrini, author of the book Girl Hunter, and the upcoming Modern Pioneering, a cookbook and backyard and homesteading guide for women who want to grow food efficiently, try foraging, and living off the land. “Self-sufficiency is the ultimate girl power,” writes Pellegrini.
At the Kohler getaway, Pellegrini will teach outdoor skills for women—think bird hunting (including cleaning), trap shooting, and fishing—with a modern twist. And of course there will be plenty of opportunity to enjoy an innovative hydrotherapy treatment or two at the award-winning Kohler Waters Spa.
“Self-sufficiency is the ultimate girl power.”
The Adventure Getaways have been offered for the past two years. “There’s a lot that I love about the Getaways, but my hands-down favorite thing is watching women come together from across the country, meet each other for the first time, and leave at the end of the experience as lifelong friends,” Pellegrini says.
“I’ve been amazed to see how many different types of women have had the desire to come on these adventure trips with me, from all ages, to experience life more viscerally and challenge themselves to experience new things. Destination Kohler has that rare, magic combination of elements that make these events so special, unique, and memorable.” americanclubresort.com/events/adventure_weekend.html